How to Wash A Jean Jacket – Denim Jacket Care

A jeans jacket is one of the most versatile pieces of clothing you can have in your closet. You can pair a jeans jacket with almost every type of outfit.

However, to keep your dearest jeans in a good condition, you will need to take proper care of them. So, are you thinking about taking care of your jeans, and want to know how to wash a jean jacket?

If so, just stick with us throughout this article. In this article, we will talk about almost everything you will need to know, in terms of cleaning your jeans.

How to wash a jean jacket: Everything you need to know

Most of the jeans jacket lovers have 2 or 3 pieces of jackets, which they love to wear often. If this is the case for you too, washing those jeans might be the most worrying task for you. However, you can maintain a good washing cycle of your jeans jackets by simply following some factors.

So, let’s learn more about this!

How many times can I wear a Jacket before washing? Wash A Jean Jacket

Jeans products are meant to wear for a good number of times before you wash them. Unlike the other clothing items, jeans are not likely to get dirty easily, or they don’t even look dirty in the first place. Wash A Jean Jacket

how to wash a jean jacket

However, the washing cycle mostly depends on the weather or the surroundings in which you are in. If your surroundings have a good and hygienic environment, you can wear your jeans jacket more than 10 to 12 times without washing it.

On the other hand, if you have to deal with dirt on a daily basis, you will need to wash the jacket more often. Wash A Jean Jacket

How often should I Wash Denim Jacket?

As already mentioned, you don’t need to wash your jeans often. Moreover, it can damage the structure of the fabric, as well as damage the color and so on if you wash frequently. Of course, you will need to wash them at some point, but you should keep this washing cycle long. Wash A Jean Jacket

For example, if your jacket smells bad, you can simply put the jacket in the sunlight for a few hours. It usually removes the dumpy smell, then you can wear it again.

Another easy way is spot cleaning. If you see any particular stain on a particular area of your jacket, you can simply spot clean that area without washing the whole jacket. Wash A Jean Jacket

How often should I Wash Denim Jacket

Further, if the sunlight and spot cleaning doesn’t improve the condition of your jacket, then eventually you will need to wash it. However, if you wear the jacket on a regular basis, like 3 to 4 days a week, you should wash the jacket after every two or three months.

But, if you wear them occasionally, for instance, 1 to 2 days a week, you actually can wear the jacket for almost 6 months, without washing it once!

Then again, this largely depends on your working condition. In a clean working environment, you won’t even feel like washing your jacket. Wash A Jean Jacket

What Temperature Should I Wash My Denim Jacket?

Many people tend to use hot or warm water to clean their denim jackets. This might be effective for quickly removing the dirt, but it can cause higher damage to the denim fabric. Wash A Jean Jacket

That’s why we suggest using cool water or lukewarm water. The lukewarm water has a temperature around 36 to 40 degrees Celsius or 100 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Within this temperature range, you will be able to clean the denim easily, as well as your denim fabric won’t be negatively affected.

How to Wash a Denim Jacket: Step by Step Procedure

For your favorite denim jacket, you can either use the handwashing technique or the washing machine technique. However, many people seem skeptical about putting their denim on the washing machine. Here, we will discuss both of the methods so that you can use any of them according to your convenience.

Wash A Jean Jacket

#1. Hand Wash Method

Required materials:

Step by step procedure:

Step 1: Firstly, take your jacket and open up all the buttons, including the buttons of the sleeves. Wash A Jean Jacket

Step 2: After that, soak the denim in water for 30 to 40 minutes. It will help to loosen up the dirt from the surface of the jacket.

Step 3: Now, sprinkle detergent all over the denim and then rub it with the brush. While doing that, make sure to rub gently on the outer part of the jacket. Otherwise, it can damage the fabric. Later on, do the same for the inner side of the jacket.

Step 4: Once you notice no more dirt coming out from the jacket, it’s time to use clean water. After that, rinse the jacket. Wash A Jean Jacket

Step 5: Now, it’s time to show some love to your jacket by using the softener.

Step 6: In the last step, take your jacket in the low sunlight so that it can dry properly. Hence, you are ready to wear it again!

#2. Washing machine Method

Required Materials:

  • Color preserving detergent &
  • Washing machine

Jean Jacket Wash

Step by step procedure:

Step 1: Just like the hand wash method, open up all the buttons and zippers.

Step 2: In the meantime, turn your jacket inside out to reduce abrasion during the washing cycle.

Step 3: After that, put the denim into the washing machine on a short and delicate cycle. While doing so, use color-preserving detergent to save the indigo dye of the denim.

Step 4: Then take out the damp jacket from the washing machine and give it a few gentle shakes so that the air can reach the fibers properly.

Step 5: Lastly, put it in the low sunlight or in a well-ventilated place to dry it.

Denim Care

5 Tips to Care for Your Favorite Denim Jacket

To keep your favorite denim jacket in good shape, we are here with 5 pro tips.

  1. Keep it hanging: When you are not using your denim jacket, the best way to store it is by using a hanger. If you fold or bend the denim, it will cause wrinkles on your jacket. But, if you keep it hanging, the shape and the lines will remain the same.
  2. Use cold water: Don’t use hot water at all to clean the denim quickly. It’s a trap. The hot water will ultimately damage the fabric and the color.
  3. Use vinegar treatment: While hand washing your jacket, try to use a cup of distilled vinegar to lock denim’s actual color and soften it.
  4. Be aware of sunlight: Well, sunlight is important to dry the denim properly. Yet, strong sunlight can fade the color of your denim. So, dry it in low sunlight, instead of direct and strong sunlight.
  5. Use spot cleaning method: You should use the spot cleaning method to avoid washing your jacket often. Regular wash can damage the fiber and color of the jacket within a very short period of time. Therefore, if you get any stain on a particular area, try the spot cleaning method. Wash A Jean Jacket

Final Verdict

Hopefully, this article on ‘washing a jean jacket’ was informative and helpful for you!

To summarize, it can be said that your jean jacket doesn’t require regular wash to keep it clean and fresh. Rather you should avoid washing it often, and should use simple tricks to keep it clean for a long period of time. Wash A Jean Jacket

Eventually, when you are about to wash it, try to be gentle!

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